The London Chess League


The name of this organisation is "The London Chess League".

The objects of the League are as follows:-
(a) To represent London Chess fully as a Constituent Unit of the English Chess Federation.
(b) To arrange competitions between Member Clubs for the various Divisional Championships of the League.
(c) To arrange an annual knockout competition between clubs for the Eastman Cup.
(d) To arrange and play matches with other organisations by meeting, correspondence or otherwise, including inter-league play for the Ralph Barnett Trophy.
(e) To arrange chess festivals, tournaments or the like as may be deemed desirable, including an individual championship for the Budget Cup, and otherwise to further the interests of Chess in London.

Any chess club in or near London shall be eligible for Membership. Applications for Membership or re-election to Membership shall be made in writing to the Honorary Secretary and applications for Membership shall be accompanied by the entrance fee. An election for each applicant shall be held at the next Annual General Meeting after the receipt of the application. For election it shall be necessary that two-thirds of the votes cast shall be in favour.

Resignation of Membership shall be in writing to the Honorary Secretary, the club resigning to remain liable for any fees and subscriptions due on or before the date of its letter of resignation.

The management of the League shall be vested in a Committee consisting of a President, Honorary Secretary, Honorary Treasurer, seven other persons from Member Clubs, and other officers as elected at the Annual General Meeting. Five members of the Committee shall form a quorum. The Committee shall have the power:-
(a) to fill casual vacancies arising during the season or as a result of posts remaining unfilled after an Annual General Meeting,
(b) to co-opt up to three additional persons with voting rights,
(c) to appoint delegates to serve on the governing bodies of the English Chess Federation on which the League is entitled to be represented,
(d) to enter into agreements on behalf of the League,
(e) to impose such non-financial penalties as it deems appropriate on any individual, team or club for conduct deemed to be detrimental to the interests or character of the League, provided that this power shall only be exercised upon any individual, team or club involved being given particulars in writing of the conduct alleged and a reasonable opportunity of meeting the allegations, and subject to appeal to the English Chess Federation within three weeks,
(f) to make such decisions and to take such actions as are deemed necessary for the proper management of the League.

General Meetings shall be of two kinds: Annual and Special. Written notice of the date, time and place of holding a General Meeting, together with an Agenda, shall be sent by post to each Member Club at least two weeks before the date of the meeting, but inadvertent omission to send notice or Agenda to one or more Members shall not invalidate the meeting or its proceedings.

At General Meetings every Member Club shall have one vote, and the Honorary Secretary and the Honorary Treasurer shall have one vote each. Voting shall be by ballot or show of hands, and the Chairman shall have a casting vote. No person present shall be entitled to more than one vote. Eleven persons entitled to vote shall form a quorum.

The Annual General Meeting shall be held in June or July in order
(a) to receive the reports of the officers and an audited statement of accounts made up to the 30th April in each year,
(b) to declare the winners of the various competitions and to present any trophies or prizes,
(c) to elect a President, Honorary Secretary, Honorary Treasurer, other officers if desired, and the Committee for the ensuing year,
(d) to elect any Life Vice-Presidents,
(e) to appoint an Auditor,
(f) to deal with any other business on the Agenda.

Special General Meetings shall be called at the instance of the Committee or by the written requisition of six persons entitled to vote. A written requisition shall state the business to be discussed. A requisitioned Special General Meeting shall be held within 28 days of receipt of such requisition and no business shall be considered other than that stated in the requisition.

There shall be an entrance fee and a deposit against first year fees for newly joining clubs and an Annual Subscription for Member Clubs, the amounts of which shall be fixed from time to time by the League in General Meeting. All fees and subscriptions other than the entrance fee and deposit for newly joining clubs shall become due on 1st September in each year. A Member Club not in arrears with the payment of its fees or subscription shall be entitled to compete in the Divisional Championships of the League.

Any Member Club in arrears with fees or subscription on 1st March shall be required to apply for re-election to Membership.

The laws of chess as published from time to time by the International Chess Federation (Fédération Internationale des Échecs) shall govern the play in all games under the auspices of the League, except as amended by the Rules of Play.

No amendment to the Constitution shall be made except by the passing of a resolution by a General Meeting with at least two-thirds of the votes cast being in favour.

The text of any proposed amendment to the Constitution shall be specified in (or with) the notice convening the General Meeting at which the amendment is to be considered, but the Chairman of that meeting shall be at liberty to accept at the meeting modifications which are consistent with the general intent of the original proposal.

Effective from July 2001

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